Regular Paper Submission:
All full paper submissions should be sent to
in pdf format by the submission
deadlines. Accepted papers will be published at the
conference site and in the Proceedings of FCRAR 2007.
Paper template for formatting
instructions can be found in
MS Word format or
pdf format. Papers can be between 6 to 8 pages using the
style and format described in the template.
Robot Showcase Entry Submission:
Entries to Robot Showcase can be in one of three forms. Each entry should include a project title, authors and institution
clearly identified:
Entries to Robot Showcase should be sent to
with pictures in jpg format, videos in wmv, mpeg or avi
format. Robot videos should include credits (project title,
authors and institution) at the beginning of each video.
Videos will be projected on large screens and looped at the
conference site where actual robot demonstrations will also
be carried out, and poster boards displayed.